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Il mais, alimento sconosciuto quanto conosciuto

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Maize, unknown known as food

Corn is a very nutritious food, thanks to substances that contain. In fact this is the vitamin B1, which helps to keep in shape the activities of brain cells involved; il beta carotene, which delays the age-related eye degeneration; Vitamin b12 and folic acid that play a preventive action against anemia caused by lack of […]

Il mais per mantenere in forma il cervello

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Maize to keep the brain in shape

Il mais o granturco è un alimento molto nutriente, thanks to substances that contain. In fact this is the vitamin B1, which helps to keep in shape the activities of brain cells involved; il beta carotene, which delays the age-related eye degeneration; la vitamina b12 e l’acido folico che svolgono un’azione preventiva contro l’anemia causata […]