Enel assume 24 Students of “Meucci”

enel studenti meucciEnel ha subject 24 Meucci for students of the experimental phase of the training program combined school and work.

The project involves the students of the fourth and fifth years of the technical colleges to address Technological developed by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, Regions, trade unions and Enel.

THE 24 Florentine are part of a group of 145 ragazzi di 7 regioni italiane che vengono assunti dal Gruppo Enel con un contratto di apprendistato di alta formazione che viene attivato in concomitanza con l’inizio del quarto anno dell’istituto tecnico.

At the end of the fifth year, with the conclusion of the school curriculum and graduation technical, taking into account the assessment of the merits of distance traveled in company, a second phase is planned apprenticeship period of one year.

THE 24 studenti-lavoratori nei giorni scorsi sono stati accolti presso la sede Enel di Firenze, by the head of Enel Infrastructure and Networks area Gianluigi Flowery center and the staff responsible Enel distribution Tuscany and Umbria Christian Bertolli.

The boys were accompanied by the Dean ITIS Meucci Emilio Sisi, Francesco dal vicepreside Ramalli, and professor of electrical engineering Francesco Accordino will be the tutor of the boys school.

Students will then business mentors on the basis of places in which they are deployed: 5 Florence will be in town at the operating units of Arezzo and forth via Bini, 4 in Prato, 3 Empoli, 5 in Sesto Fiorentino, 4 Impruneta and 3 the Pontassieve.

”This is one of the first experience of high-level apprenticeship, realizzata in sinergia tra istituzioni formative e azienda, rivolta agli studenti degli istituti tecnici ed è un grande investimento sulle risorse umane del Paese - ha affermato Francesco Starace, Amministratore Delegato del Gruppo Enel – We have identified certain guys willing and excited to live this new experience that will open the way for them in a career of great satisfaction. Gli apprendisti infatti potranno entrare in contatto da subito con attrezzature e tecnologie di ultima generazione ricevendo preventivamente una formazione specifica in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro, a value that our company considers primary”.

Cecilia Latches

By the number 30 – The Year of 10/09/2014