The bell tower of the Cathedral of San Miniato opens to the public

1campanileThe citizens of San Miniato and tourists can now visit the "Torre Matilde", the bell tower of the Cathedral, which will open for the first time to visitors after restoration.

The steeple of the Church of the Holy Assumption and Genesio San Miniato was the subject of a long and complex restoration work lasted four years.

The bell and the bell tower are the clock of history of the community, as well as the reference point for the community.

When the bells chime people are still being informed if it is the time of "stop" or that of prayer, the moment of danger or that of piety.

The bell tower, as said Professor Paolo Ciardi director of the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art, intervenendo alla presentazione dei lavori di restauro del campanile della Cattedrale, is: "The symbol of the connection between the religious life and civil".

A bell important, moreover, that of the Cathedral, also called "tower of Matilda", which began as a station of the defensive walls of the city, and only later became the bell tower with the role also of civic tower of San Miniato.

It is in the Romanesque style and is located next to the Cathedral: uncertain is the exact date of construction that dates back to the twelfth century, however,.

Tower, thanks to these works, will henceforth offer tourists a unique look on the city: it was decided, for first time, its public opening.

It was a big job, started in 2010, which has contributed significantly to the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di San Miniato.

The openings 29/30 November and 6/7 December at the following times:
Saturday: hours 10 – 13 and 14 – 16
Sunday: 14 – 16
For the entrance fee is charged for a ticket:
€ 3 only for the Tower (reduced to € 2 for students)
€ 5 Cumulative with the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art (reduced to € 3 for students)
Free for children under the age 14 and for the over-65s

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 41 – The Year of 26/11/2014






