Home » 2014 » October » 15

100 artigiani sul web grazie a Google Italia e Camera di Commercio di Firenze

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100 artisans on the web thanks to Google and Italian Chamber of Commerce of Florence

For 100 craftsmen of excellence in the province of Florence, Internet has never been so close, grazie a Camera di Commercio di Firenze, in collaboration with Unioncamere and thanks to the support of Google Italy, who initiated the project "Made in Italy: Excellence in Digital ", un servizio di consulenza gratuito per sensibilizzare le imprese locali sulle […]

Al Parterre fine settimana con mostra di Funghi e frutti selvatici

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At Parterre weekend with shows of mushrooms and wild fruit

The Group Mycological Fiorentino "Pier Antonio Micheli", always engaged in cultural dissemination, environmental and educational aims, in collaboration with the District 2, organizes on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 October, with orario 10-20, the Parterre of Freedom Square Exhibition of mushrooms and wild fruit. The presence, as new, di gigantografie dei boschi […]

I film in sala dal 16 ottobre

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In room movies 16 October

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 16 October. Un milione di modi per morire nel west Genere: Western, Comedy Director: Seth MacFarlane Cast: Seth MacFarlane, Charlize Theron, Amanda Seyfried, Liam Neeson, Giovanni Ribisi, Neil Patrick Harris, Sarah Silverman, Christopher Hagen, Wes Studi […]

Nelle stanze di Michelucci, Collezioni del Novecento all’Ente CRF

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In the rooms of Michelucci, Collections of the twentieth century Ente CRF

Inauguration of the exhibition "In the rooms of Michelucci. Collections of the twentieth century "in the current headquarters of CRF, one of the Florentine architectural complexes designed in the fifties by Giovanni Michelucci, opened for the first time to the public, after the restoration of the office. Aperta fino all’11 novembre, with free admission, exposure, promossa dall’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze che […]

Flussi turistici stranieri: Firenze batte Roma e Venezia con + 7,9%

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Foreign tourist flows: Florence beats Rome and Venice + 7,9%

Foreign tourists prefer to Florence than in Rome and Venice: in the first half of the 2014 gli arrivi stranieri nel territorio della provincia di Firenze sono cresciuti del 7,9% rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2013. Una cifra che stacca di netto Roma (+0,6%) and Venice (+6%) facendo conquistare a Firenze il primo posto sul podio delle città italiane più visitate nei primi sei mesi […]

Gianna Sammarco, 90 di vita e 70 di teatro

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Malcolm Sammarco, 90 of life and 70 theater

Gianna Sammarco has just turned 90 years, declaring with pride, and family members, with friends, a Gabriella Manfriani ed alla compagnia teatrale “Il Giglio”, di cui è Presidente Mario Altamura, have prepared for her, Everest Theatre at Florence, una grande serata per festeggiare i suoi 70 year career; sarà un programma […]

Il car-sharing fiorentino tocca i 100mila noleggi

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The car-sharing Florentine touches 100 thousand rentals

In Florence are 10 thousand students enrolled in the car2go service in only five months, with 100 thousand hires and an average of 3500 users per week. These are the figures released by the Palazzo Vecchio during a press conference in the presence of Mayor Dario Nardella, di Thomas Beermann, CEO of car2go Europe GmbH and Gianni Martino, Country Manager Car2go […]

S. Maria Novella: nuova collocazione per statua Beato Giovanni da Salerno

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S. Maria Novella: new location for statue of Blessed John of Salerno

New location, always in the Museum of Santa Maria Novella, for the large stone sculpture depicting the Blessed John of Salerno, founder and first prior of the Dominican convent in Florence. The ticket was positioned in the exit lane of the Green Cloister, now integrated in the visit of the monumental complex. Le modalità per effettuare il […]

Festa Vigili Urbani, Sindaco: “Siete la voce del Sindaco, ho piena fiducia e mi aspetto il massimo”

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Festa Vigili Urbani, Mayor: "You are the voice of the Mayor, I have full confidence and I expect the best "

The mayor Dario Nardella in the Salone dei Cinquecento in occasion of the celebrations for the 160 years since the founding of the Corps of municipal police, celebrata lo scorso 9 October, he said "160 years is a great achievement for the municipal police, for the City of Florence and for the life of the city. Ogni vigile quando parla con il […]

Montescudaio, uno dei Borghi più belli d’Italia

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Montescudaio, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Montescudaio is a charming village of the Val di Cecina, located along the southern part of the province of Pisa in a typical Tuscan hills, which is just fifteen minutes from the sea of ​​the Etruscan Riviera. Undoubtedly one of the most interesting countries in this part of Maremma, not coincidentally introduced in the "most beautiful villages in Italy". Reperti archeologici raccontano […]

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