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Speciale dono della chiesa fiorentina a Papa Francesco

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Special gift of the Florentine church of Pope Francis

This morning at the end of the General Audience in St. Peter's Square, Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori delivered to Pope Francis a special edition of the Gospels and precious Florentine. Con of Mons. Timothy Verdon, Director Office of Sacred Art and Cultural Heritage Ecclesiastical and Deacon Alexander Bicchi, that have dealt with the search of images for publication; l’editore […]

Intervista alla Spa Manager del Four Seasons Hotels di Firenze Lucia Papalini

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Interview with the Spa Manager at Four Seasons Hotels in Florence Lucia Papalini

La Spa del Four Seasons Hotel Firenze, fresh of first place at the Italian Spa Awards 2014 Best "Urban Spa" in Italian, features 10 cabine dedicate ai trattamenti per la cura del corpo, an outdoor swimming pool, outdoor heated jacuzzi, a fully equipped gym and the brand new just opened the wetlands with sauna, bagno turco e area relax. […]

Ambulanze storiche in Piazza Duomo

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Ambulances in the historical Piazza Duomo

Last Sunday, the historic center of Florence was flooded with numerous historical ambulances thanks to the mercy of Florence who organized what was the first ever gathering of this kind, "D'Epoca 770" which featured service vehicles, cars and ambulances, that have been in operation since 1950 al 1980, offering an insight […]

Il Parco della Gherardesca: un Paradiso verde nel centro di Firenze

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The Parco della Gherardesca: a green paradise in the center of Florence

The Parco della Gherardesca, del Fuor Season Hotels di Firenze, one of the most exclusive hotels in the Tuscan capital, is a veritable green paradise located in the center of Florence that occasionally opens to the city with various events. The cameras of the weekly La terrace of Michelangelo offer you a glimpse of this incredible,it,open by the speech of the auxiliary bishop Claudio Maniago and closed by that of,it […]

Sant’Orsola  per tre giorni si apre alla città

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St. Ursula for three days open to the city

From 25 al 27 September comes the complex of St. Ursula reopens to the city thanks to a 'journey' of three days in the former convent of San Lorenzo with the project 'The City Inside San Lorenzo – St'o Open 'designed for Fiorentina Estate 2014 and presented at the Palazzo Vecchio with the presence of the Urban Planning and Policy […]

Borgo Ognissanti: il 27 giornata della sicurezza stradale

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Borgo Ognissanti: the 27 road safety day

Next Saturday, 27 September, by 10 at 18 in Piazza Borgo Ognissanti there will be a day dedicated to the education of elementary school children on the main road safety rules. L’evento, organized by Budget Car Rental in collaboration with the Association Borgognissanti, the Department of Education and the State Police, also provides for the accession of the traffic police through the use of […]

Al via monitoraggio facciate Duomo,Campanile,Battistero

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At the start monitoring Duomo facade,Bell tower,Baptistery

Da ieri mattina, Tuesday, 23 September, sono iniziati i lavori di monitoraggio delle superfici marmoree esterne del Duomo di Firenze, Giotto's Campanile, of the dome of Brunelleschi and the Baptistery of San Giovanni Battista, that will last for about two weeks. Starting at 7.30, will be in Piazza Duomo truck crane with an arm 104 metri con cui […]

Punta Ala: storia e leggenda di un piccolo paradiso toscano

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Punta Ala: history and legend of a small Tuscan paradise

Punta Ala (Originally Punta Troia) is a village in the municipality of Castiglione, in the province of Grosseto, popular seaside resort situated on the northern slopes of the headland. Today is an exclusive tourist destination of refined beauty. Located on a strip of land surrounded on three sides by the sea and covered by a thick pine forest. It is […]

Serate nei 5 Quartieri per festeggiare i 90 anni della Radio

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Evenings in 5 District to celebrate 90 Years of Radio

A project dedicated to 90 years of radio consists of 10 evenings on the territory, 2 for each district, all with free admission, and a final night in Studio C of the Rai headquarters for Tuscany is designed as, and realized, the Company Chairs in collaboration with the 5 Areas of Florence, la Rai, […]

Ente Cassa Firenze catalizzatore di capitali internazionali per il territorio

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Ente Cassa Florence catalyst of international capital to the territory

"The Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze want to be even more central for our area and why he wants to become the subject catalyst and also manager of other people's resources, oriented to the creation of national partnerships and, if possible, International to find new capital for Florence and its territory to implement high-profile initiatives […]

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