Okay Casa, in 9 months almost 700 emergency assistance 24 hours a day

okay casaA leaking pipe, a spark of too, a wall crumbling: emergencies in the home can create enormous difficulties for families, and may not always have the reference of a reliable professional to solve the unexpected.

For this, da aprile 2012, la Camera di Commercio di Firenze ha organizzato Okay Casa, un servizio di reperibilità 24 ore su 24, including holidays, that allows you to request urgent repairs to maximum rates fixed.

The system automatically routes the call to one of the 60 member companies certified closest, and the time available for the desired sector.

The service, reached at, was warmly welcomed and has two calls on an average weekday.

Overall, were 697 calls received up to 31 December 2013: the 60% of these to request the intervention of a hydraulic, the 26% necessity in the electricity sector, while in 14% cases there was no need of a little work building.

“Grazie alla collaborazione delle associazioni di categoria e dei consumatori – Vasco said Galgani, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence – Okay home service not only helped in a transparent way to provide a service with fixed maximum rates established based on the price list of works building and plant, but it was also a powerful tool to clear the misbehavior which unfortunately occurred in the past, to protect businesses that work hard and to all citizens ".

The maximum rates, unchanged since the beginning of the service, involve different costs depending on the time of the call: we start from a maximum amount of 39 € VAT included per hour during the day, up to a maximum of 60 € including VAT for the night of the weekend.

The 75% of interventions is fixed within one or two hours and the 65% takes place from 9 at 17.

La maggior parte delle chiamate arriva dal centro storico (32%) and the district 5 (27%); August and December are the months in which it is most required service.

"The good results obtained so far led us want to improve performance, so that is the study of the enlargement Okay House to the category of blacksmiths and the Florentine hinterland municipalities, so as to involve in the management fast and reliable emergency housewives an increasing number of citizens and companies ", stressed Galgani.

The operators participating in Okay House are equipped with identification card with photograph.

Non è richiesta alcuna spesa per il diritto di chiamata, while the phone has a variable cost depending on your phone company (0,13 EUR per minute from a landline).

Il progetto Okay Casa è un servizio alla città realizzato dalla Camera di Commercio di Firenze, with the organizational support of trade associations and consumer Confindustria Firenze, Cna Firenze, Confapi Florence, Florence Craft Businesses, Mdc Firenze, Adiconsum Tuscany, ADOC Tuscany, ADUSBEF Tuscany.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 7 – The Year of 26/02/2014