“The Reds & The White” il 29 al Four Seasons Hotel Firenze

FotoThe excellence and elegance of great red wines meets his majesty white truffle, una lunga tradizione di eventi enogastronomici quella che accompagna il mondo Four Seasons Hotel Firenze, dove ritorna anche quest’anno, sabato prossimo, l’atteso appuntamento annuale con il “The Reds and The White”.

Saturday 29 novembre sarà una serata d’eccezione dove si celebrerà il connubio tra tartufo bianco e vini rossi e dove protagonista sarà ovviamente il tartufo bianco di San Miniato della storica azienda Savini di Palaia, in the province of Pisa, that four generations is engaged in the research and selection of the precious tuber, that will be matched with prestigious labels.

France in Tuscany is the common thread of the selection of wines, excellent expressions of great reds that come from Tuscan wineries with French wine makers as the company Caiarossa, and is composed of Dominique Genot, Tolaini, Michel Rolland e con Cupano, with the experience of the owner and winemaker Lionel Cousin.

To enrich the proposal, bubbles of Champagne Pol Roger, style deeply refined, reflecting the purity and elegance.

Renews therefore the cooperation of city resort Florentine with relevant companies of the territory, characterized by excellence and authenticity of its products, characteristics that combined the elegance and exclusivity of the location will create an event to remember refined.

The six-course menu bears the signature of Chef Vito Mollica starry, for a triumph of taste not to be missed, Christmas in the frame of the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze:
- Lomo warm salt cod with its tripe stew and vegetable chips
- Cream of Rice with Bitto batsoà veal
- Pumpkin ravioli with creamy blue Montefeltro
- Zavoli roasted turkey with cream of potato with pine nuts St. Flushing
- Goat cheese selection Bishop De Magi
- Creamy peanut praline flavored with star anise with vanilla ice cream
- Coffee and frivolity

All dishes are enriched with shaved white truffles of San Miniato.

Aperitivo dalle ore 19.30, mentre la cena sarà servita alle ore 20.30
Euro 160,00 person (wines included)
For reservations: 055/26.26.450

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 41 – The Year of 26/11/2014
