At the Pergola until 15 March "Autumn Sonata"

1 pergolaUntil Sunday 15 March to the Pergola Gabriele Lavia directs Anna Maria Guarnieri in a psychological drama and family, intense and lucid portrait of conflictual relationship between a mother and daughter. "Autumn Sonata" by Ingmar Bergman is a guerrilla sentimental repressed resentments and misunderstandings that can touch emotions and deep feelings. A strange combination of love, hatred, voltage, rivalry and guilt.

After "Scenes from a Marriage" of 1998 and then "After the test" of the 2001, Gabriele Lavia meets Ingmar Bergman for the third time as a director with "Autumn Sonata": a world seemingly icy, but really restless and lonely, tailored to Anna Maria Guarnieri.

Text born for the stage and then became the film 1978, then starring Ingrid Bergman, tells the story of Charlotte, successful pianist on Sunset Boulevard for the music and career sacrificed family, denying as mother, as a wife and also as a woman.

The curse of Charlotte is the piano. For the piano has ruined the lives of all those who were close and also its: suffering from a back pain can no longer play. After seven years of mutual silence decides to visit her daughter Eva (Valeria Militello is in the role that in '78 was Liv Ullman), full of hopes and enthusiasm, in an attempt to recover lost intimacy and never sought.

"I had to as 'spossessarmi' of myself", reveals Anna Maria Guarnieri, "Are inside this bubble decomposed that represents the world of Charlotte and I okay: are a creature born directed, therefore I am happy when you give me a drawing to be completed ".

The work of Lavia is a perfect score for solo instruments in a sort of continuous dialogue that is a triumph of misunderstandings: souls have the same blood, but not the same eyes with which to look at life, and at heart evil is too large.

Eva, adult woman who has recently lost her four year old son, still looking for the love of the mother, but continues to put it in front of his impotence affective, reminding all his joints that have hurt without remedy his childhood and that of Helena, the other daughter now invalid, starring Silvia Salvatori. Complete this familiar picture in chiaroscuro, all female, the husband of Eva, il Viktor said Danilo Nigrelli.

"In this staging perceive different sounds", explains Anna Maria Guarnieri, "We see a storm, we also feel the primal screams ... Charlotte has twinges back shouting and expresses his pain, while Helena - the disabled daughter - communicates with the outside through the guttural sounds. In opposition to this din Eve, the other daughter, and her husband are the silence: following the death of a child not communicate and no longer able to recover their relationship. In this world described by Bergman fits a fifth character - the piano - that Charlotte takes the form of a real human relationship. "

Gabriele Lavia removes the recognizability of the place where the story takes place, or the rectory where the husband of Eva exercises its mission of pastor of a village in the fjords. The scene of Alexander Room is a room lit by a large window in the background (lights Simone De Angelis), dominated by the color gray (Also in the costumes of Claudia Calvaresi), broken only by the bright red gown that Charlotte wears to dinner.

There are sofas, the desk where Eva writes his books and the small chair of her baby, of which television pictures happy to see a brief childhood, which fill the space of regret of his father who loves his wife and who unhappily inconsolable remembers. There are wide dark spaces: above where he lives and suffering on a wheelchair Helena, and below where they disappear, almost fading, the characters and then suddenly reappear.

"Charlotte is a character decomposed", says Anna Maria Guarnieri, "From the point of view of sound and also figurative: walking so crooked, sits without grace ... The director Gabriele Lavia asked me to move like a rude and always keeping a leg to sit on the couch, because that's how you are able to probably feel less physical pains ".

"Autumn Sonata" is a drama that inability Lavia focuses on separation from the newspaper that the radical choice of perfection imposes.

"Feeling 'excluded' is a feeling that Bergman had to know very well", wrote Lavia, "A sentiment shared by the actors, to concert, in those strange humans 'expose themselves', who 'are' on stage. They have only one chance to be: 'Expose'. They can not be fathers or mothers. Husbands or wives. Are not normal. Are 'strange' and are condemned to what Bergman called the Absolute Solitude. "

The Autumn Sonata follows its evolution without glimmers of hope. At the end, the balance of everyone comes together in their loneliness. In the absence of the company's feelings. As if the feelings could only exist outside the common reality, in the inner theater of ogn

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 55 - Year II of 11/03/2015


Teatro Stabile of Umbria, Foundation Brunello Cucinelli
Anna Maria Guarnieri
SYMPHONY OF AUTUMN, di Ingmar Bergman
translation Chiara De Marchi
Valeria Militello, Danilo Nigrelli, Silvia Salvatori
directed by Gabriele Lavia
scene: Alessandro Camera
morals: ClaudiaCalvaresi
original music: Giordano Corapi
lights: Simone De Angelis

Lifespan: 1h and 45 ', single act

2 pergola